Sunday, September 20, 2009

Back Pain

In my 3rd month of pregnancy I started having some really intense back pain. It would come around 4 times a week for about 10-30 minutes or so.  The pain was so intense that I couldn't move whenever it would overtake me. All I could do was cry through the pain.

Friend: Hey Laura
Me: Hi (sobbing) 
Friend: OMG, are you okay? 
Me: No, I'm dying...
Friend: What? Shut up? What's wrong?!
Me: My baaaack. (Sob)Killin me, I'm dying. (Sob) If I die, you can have my Tiffany beads.
Friend: Shut up! I mean, but I'll wear them mugs though. 

On that day I had to head to the doctor because the back pain was accompanied by abdomen cramping and shooting pains. I had a UTI-typical in pregnancy, slight kidney infection (um ok) and possible kidney stones...for real? WTH?! It seemed as though pregnancy was only getting better and better. The doc checked to make sure I wasn't experiencing any contractions or symptoms of pre-term labor, which I wasn't, thank God. It just was a lot of pain for 18 weeks. 
I was ordered to do a kidney ultrasound which was clean. The doc told me my kidneys were "beautiful". Which meant that my pain for the moment was just pregnancy...I wanted to cry again, but since I'm under emotional in this pregnancy (more about that later) I didn't. Instead I developed my usual bad attitude, thanked God for clean kidneys and went on about my day. 
"So what can I do for the pain?" I asked my doc. Then he gave me words I love to hear...
"Ya know pregnancy is strange, they say you can't drink, have coffee or whatever. You can't have aspirin or motrin...but you can have NARCOTICS!"
Tylenol 3s for me! Thanks Doc! 

1 comment:

  1. HA! That conversation was me! LOL! I love how they give u narcs like they are vitamins!
