Sunday, September 20, 2009

Are you excited??!

Another annoying question I've noticed while pregnant is, "Oh em gee! Are you excited??!!@EK#) 

This answer is usually followed by a mustered up fake, "Mmhmm!" just to appease the person asking. If my mother was around when people asked me that, she'll say "oh pay her no mind, that's just Laura." 

But I had to ask myself why wasn't I feeling the feelings of excitement. Even after the majority of morning sickness passed I was still searching for the missing feelings. I started to wonder if I was a bad person or a future bad mother for not feeling the excitement. The little things that other sappy mothers (Steph) would be super excited for like the hearing the heartbeat, doctors appointments or the anticipation of labor, I just didn't feel the same way.

I was telling these feelings to a good college friend and she explained to me that she felt like I did while pregnant. Her words were encouraging to me. God had told her that having a baby is a blessing, yes, but just like any new relationship, you have yet to get to know and develop a bond/relationship with the child. So it is okay, if you do not have those initial feelings that some mothers have. It does not mean you are a bad person or horrible future mother. It just means it will take time to develop those feelings, but they will come. 

Thanks, my college friend. I felt much better after that. 


  1. Aw Bells! Of course you'll be a great mother! And if you're not, Marc will pick up the slack ogusoguoseuteugs! Just kidding. I wish you would have told me that, I know a lot of people that felt like that. My SIL HATED being pregnant, like she was excited for baby to come out, but the whole process of another person invading her bodily space annoyed her, haha. So I'm glad your college friend's experience gave you peace of mind. I felt like you describe in the beginning of my pregnancy because I wasn't quite ready to be pregnant yet. One day, although it may be Ryan's birthday or even days/weeks after, something will click and you'll be like OMG, I'm in love ( This reminds me how you felt after you gave away Monte! Rolling all over again.

  2. LOL @ Monte. When was the last time I told you I hate you?? It's time again, I hate you. LOL

  3. There is nothing wrong if the excitement hasn't hit you yet. You move at your own pace. If people ask why you aren't excited tell them to kick rocks and blow bubbles! LOL

  4. Girl your friend is so right! If you feel this way now, wait till about a month before you're due. I was totally bitter and wanted him OUT!!!
