Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Visit to Toronto/Health Care

So I know it's been a while. Forgive me, I'm pregnant!! Haha, I like using that excuse for anything. Anywhoo, My hubby and I went to Toronto for our 2nd anniversary over the weekend. It was a fabulous trip and we had tons of fun.

One thing I noticed in Toronto was that everyone dressed REALLY nice. The clothes, handbags or accessories didn't have to be designer, it just seemed that everyone was well put together. I had to wonder to myself, why are there no Detroit looking bummy people? Of course they had their bums and hobos as well. One was even laying in the middle of the sidewalk sleeping while others had to walk over him. But then it hit me while watching Sicko by Michael Moore. The Canadians do not have to pay for health care! No insurance coming out of their check, no hospital co-pays or bills to pay so no wonder they can afford to look and dress their best!

People are fighting in the United States over Universal Health Care, when really the United States is pretty much the only country with stature that does not give all citizens free health care! I find it egregious that it is this way. We choose who can receive the best health care. My husband and I work full-time salary jobs and I pay into insurance, around $120 a month. But yet I have a $440 hospital bill that needs to be paid from lab fees during my pregnancy. Aren't these a necessity? Why should we have to pay? This debate could stem into so many other areas as pregnancy is a choice, but something like cancer is not. I support President Obama's plan and believe the United States is behind in a lot of areas...Next up, maternity policies!

1 comment:

  1. Shout out to Jia for teaching Laura big words like egregious! ogusoufu9ut9ue9tsojousobu9u209utjsougls!
