Wednesday, October 7, 2009

It's a B-o-y

So I realized I never revealed the sex of our child on here. We went to get our BIG (get it?) ultrasound on August 25. I had called my mom on the way to the appointment and asked "What will I do if it's a boy?"
Mom- You'll love him and grow with him!
So we're in the room and the ultrasound tech asks if we wanted to know the sex. She begins to take the pictures and it takes her two minutes and she says, "Oh I know what you're having!!" Marc and I look at each other nervously. "It's a boy!"


It's a boy? What do you mean it's a boy? I'm having a girl! Of course from the beginning I told people our child was an equal opportunity child and that God would bless us with what HE wanted us to have. But I was supposed to be having a girl! Marc had a dream it was a girl, I felt like it was a girl, but it was a b-o-y.

After congratulating Marc, I threw my hands and head back in disbelief "WHAT AM I GOING TO DO WITH A BOY?!"

All I could imagine was Marc and the b-o-y playing, yelling, ripping, running, tearing up couches, broken limbs, poison ivy rashes and me ordering special made ear plugs for myself!

On the way out, Marc told me that boys have a special relationship with their mothers. My brother told me it's good for boys to grow up and be mamas boys (really?) I look forward to developing a relationship with my son as I still try to grasp the fact that my fabulous self is having a child.

The good thing is that I know he will grow up to be a WONDERFUL man just like his father and make a lovely girl just as happy as I am. :)


  1. Awww!!! How cute was your last comment?!?! I felt the same way too because I really wanted a girl, but you'll get over it once he's here. I'm just PRAYING my next is a girl or I really will freak! LOL!

  2. Loved this blog! I can understand your shock when you received the news of "It's a boy", but I am so glad that you realized the BOY is what God wants you to have and HE knows what a wonderful man will develop in your (including Marc) care. :)

  3. LOLOL at "My fabulous self" are SOOOO....Bells! lol

  4. So funny! You manage to make me laugh as the days go by!
