Wednesday, August 26, 2009

I feel weird.

Was my morning sickness going to be like my sisters? God I hope not! She would throw up all day long for the first 12 weeks and her pretty brown skin had turned to a nice chalky white color. She could not keep anything on her stomach which would lead to hospitals, IVs with fluids or bedrest. Nope, my morning sickness would be different because it was MINE. 

I started to feel weird...blah...flu like symptoms- achy body, unsettled stomach, slight headache and kinda just UGH. I would wake up and try to get ready which would only make it worst. Of course when 12 noon came around and morning was over, the sickness would stay for the rest of the day. 

MY morning sickness started off while at Famous Dave's. I ordered my usual dish of lemon roasted chicken and could not eat any of it. It simply tasted BLAH. "What is going on?" I asked myself. I LOVELOVELOVE Famous Dave's and couldn't eat anything but a salad for dinner. For dessert we ordered bread pudding. It wasn't until we were driving off in the car when I realized that was THEE best thing I had ate all day. I mentioned to Marc we should have gotten an order of bread pudding to take home. His response was that he would just make me some...normally I would have been find with him experimenting and eating the pudding around midnight, but something came over me. "UMMM, no, I'm gonna need their bread pudding and NOooowwW." What was this urgency to want to eat something specific? Why couldn't I eat Marc's bread pudding? 

This is what you call simply pregnancy. At times I didn't want everything or anything specific. It just depended on the moment. I could think I wanted something and once I tasted it, want something completely different. I didn't totally understand what was happening to my body, but I realized one important thing very quickly. But the main factor was that I would have to have it NOW. A pregnant stomach does not wait for anyone. The hunger urge to eat is so overwhelming that you cannot think about anything else. If you don't get your food, then basically your life or anyone else's life around you is over. 

I felt weird at work too. How I wish morning sickness knew to only appear at home and while you are in the bed, preferably while sleeping. There was this SMELL/ODOR/SOMETHING in my office. I couldn't take it because it made me gag. I relocated about three times before I settled back into cubeville where the air runs freely. I get tired of people asking me, "Why arent you in your office??" I just tell them I got demoted so then they will really leave me alone. It's been about 12 weeks now and I still can't go back into my office. 

Oh my goodness, I wanted to keep writing, but cannot keep my eyes open and its only 9:30pm...did I mention I've been in the bed since 7:30pm? This is what you call- exhaustion! Everything aches and I'm too tired to continue to type without writing in gibberish. More to come later. I. Must. Stop. Now. 

Sidenote: Has anyone ever watched the movie, Something New, and watched Alfre Woodward's face when she realized that Blair Underwood may propose to her daughter, Sanaa Lathan? "Oh my Goooddd" Her face is priceless and I am cracking up right now. 

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